Othello act I scene I (Part II)

Othello act I scene I (Part II)

Time: 20 minutes.

Read the instructions carefully

  • Total number of questions: 20
  • Answer all questions.
  • Do not close the tab/disconnect without submitting your responses.
  • Do not open other tabs in your browser.
  • Do not search for answers in the internet.



What is the initial reaction of Brabantio when he hears that Desdemona has eloped with Othello in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the significance of the elopement in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the setting of Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the name of Brabantio's daughter in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the mood of Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What does Othello tell Brabantio when he appears in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the relationship between Othello and Brabantio in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

Who is the first character that speaks in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

How does Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello" foreshadow the events to come in the play?

What does Roderigo hope to gain by telling Brabantio about Othello and Desdemona's elopement in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

How does Iago describe Othello in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

Why does Roderigo wake Brabantio in the middle of the night in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

How does Iago respond when Roderigo expresses his despair over not winning Desdemona's love in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

Who does Roderigo claim has eloped with in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

How does Iago plan to use Roderigo to his advantage in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

How does Iago first appear in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the main conflict presented in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the role of Iago in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the name of Othello's ensign in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

What is the main idea of Act 1, Scene 1 of "Othello"?

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