Go and Catch a Falling Star
Time: 20 minutes.
Read the instructions carefully
- Total number of questions: 25
- Answer all questions.
- Do not close the tab/disconnect without submitting your responses.
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- Do not search for answers in the internet.
What do the pronouns in bold figuratively suggest?
"Though at next door we might meet;
Though she were true, when you met her"
Who wrote the poem, "Go and Catch a Falling Star"?
What does the grammatical mood of the below line (III.V)suggest?
"Though she were true, when you met her,"
What is a theme found in the poem?
What does the cloven hooves of the Devil suggest?
What figurative idea is suggested by the text in bold?
"Such a pilgrimage were sweet;"
What poetic technique is associated with the below line (III.IV)?
"Though at next door we might meet;"
What does the below line (III.III) figuratively suggest?
"Yet do not, I would not go,"
What is the poetic technique associated with the below line?
"Get with child a mandrake root"
What does the below line (I.II) figuratively suggest?
"Get with child a mandrake root"
What does the below line (I.III) figuratively suggest?
"Tell me where all past years are"
Which statement best describes the poem, "Go and Catch a Falling Star"?
What poetic technique is associated with the text in bold?
"Ride ten thousand days and nights"
What poetic technique is associated with the text in bold?
"If thou be’st born to strange sights"
What does the below line (I.IV) figuratively suggest?
"Or who cleft the devil’s foot"
How many ironical imperatives are available in the poem?
What the thematic suggestion of the below line (I.VI)?
"Or to keep off envy’s stinging"
What is the poet's, expected reader's gender according to the below line?
"Get with child a mandrake root"
What statement id incorrect about the poet?
Why does the poet pluralize an uncountable noun as indicated in the text in bold?
"Till age snow white hairs on thee,"
The below lines suggest that the expected reader of the poem is...
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
What is not a characteristic of the poem, "Go and Catch a Falling Star?
What is the grammatical tense of the below lines (III.VII-IX) and its effect?
"Yet she
Will be
False, ere I come, to two, or three."
What is the grammatical mood used in the below line (III.V)?
"Though she were true, when you met her,"
What the thematic suggestion of the below line (I.V)?
"Teach me to hear mermaids singing"