Othello act I scene II
Time: 20 minutes.
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- Total number of questions: 20
- Answer all questions.
- Do not close the tab/disconnect without submitting your responses.
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- Do not search for answers in the internet.
What does Othello mean when he says "My parts, my title and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me rightly"?
How does Iago describe Othello's marriage to Desdemona?
How does Iago refer to Othello's marriage?
What is the overall tone of this scene?
Why does Roderigo call Othello "the Moor"?
What does Iago plan to do with Roderigo?
Why does Othello tell Brabantio that he will "command with years" ?
What news does Cassio bring to Othello?
What is Iago's motivation for telling Cassio that Othello is married?
Why does Othello refer to himself as "unhoused free condition"?
How does Othello view his marriage to Desdemona? (literal)
What does Brabantio accuse Othello of doing?
What is the main conflict in this scene?
Why is Othello sought after by the senate?
Why does Iago refrain from killing Roderigo?
How does Brabantio feel about Othello's marriage to Desdemona?
How does Iago feel about Cassio?
Why does Othello respond to Brabantio's accusations with words rather than violence?
Why does Iago warn Othello about Brabantio's arrival?
Why does Othello need to speak with someone in the house before leaving with Cassio?